

Questions & réponses, innovation

They innovate; they are contributing to the fight against Covid-19; they have one thing in common: they are from Namur!

The world’s first rapid test: news from Coris BioConcept and its partners

We spoke about the first tests developed last March. Coris BioConcept, with the help of Unisensor and Bio-X Diagnostics, has perfected fast antigenic tests to detect an immune response against two specific coronavirus/Covid-19 ‘markers’ in potential and asymptomatic Covid-19 patients. The test is carried out on the basis of a nasopharyngeal sample.

This makes it a unique solution!

It can be used to target clusters in groups, superspreaders, and also to identify those who have developed neutralising antibodies which may provide protection. What is more, these tests are produced locally, which is not without its advantages.

The situation is developing very rapidly in a fairly tense context of increasing numbers of infections, which has persisted for several months. The company therefore points out that this rapid test can be very useful to help sort individuals who may be affected by Covid-19, so as to ease the burden on centres and hospitals, and curb over-consumption of the reagents used in the PCR test. France is one of the countries that has validated these test systems. 

The partners would like these tests to be available for sale in pharmacies in Belgium and used by GPs, etc. or even one day to enable everyone to test themselves at home.

Thierry Leclipteux, CEO and CSO of Coris BioConcept, explained more in detail during this televised debate (in French), which you can watch via this link: les visiteurs du soir

Article: Unisensor, Coris BioConcept et Bio-X Diagnostics, 3 Biotechs wallonnes à la pointe du diagnostic, ont ensemble développé un test rapide individuel qui constitue une première mondiale. (Unisensor, Coris BioConcept and Bio-X Diagnostics, three Walloon biotechs at the cutting edge of diagnosis, have together developed a rapid individual test that is a world first.)

For disinfection, now a daily habit: contact Analis

This company established in 1927 operates in the laboratory equipment and material sector. It has recently developed three air purification systems in addition to surface disinfection solutions: the Novaerus range, which uses plasma technology and is 99.99% effective. Even in large areas with a high risk of infection, such as hospitals, the first system enables total decontamination (in the absence of patients). The other products could also be used when people are present, in workplaces, schools or other places where people gather (cultural activities, etc.).

More information: 

The interface to support caregivers: SOLINE from Home Based

Over the past few years, Home Based has developed a system based on artificial intelligence that offers individuals who have lost their autonomy an interface that helps them regain their independence. It enables them to interact with ‘connected’ everyday objects. Users can therefore send instructions to their television, telephone, bed, etc. by voice, using their eyes or by touch.

In the turbulent context of hospitals, care homes, rest homes, etc., Soline – that’s its name 🙂 – offers a means of easing the burden on caregivers.

Home Based has joined forces with Distrac Group to market Soline.


Canal Z report

L’Avenir article 

Le Vif article on LinkedIn 

These are, of course, just a few representative examples of the initiatives taken in Wallonia. Many other entrepreneurs are working hard to meet the needs of society.


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